Michelle Hickey

Michelle Hickey is a puppet wrangler and puppeteer who is known for being the head puppet wrangler on Sesame Street and also worked with the Muppet Workshop. She did lots of Sesame Street specials and videos, as well as the spin-off series Play with Me Sesame, Sesame Beginnings, and Panwapa. In addition to Sesame Street, Michelle also was a wrangler for Kermit the Frog's guest host appearance on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Outside, Hickey worked on numerous projects both wrangling and performing puppets, like Crank Yankers, It's a Big Big World, Helpsters, and Donkey Hodie. According to a 2009 interview on her duties, she called her position a "dream job" and shares how much work it takes keeping Big Bird in perfect condition. Other puppet wranglers she worked on with on the show include Lara MacLean, Andrea Detwiler, and Elizabeth Hara, to name a few. In addition to still working on Sesame Street, Michelle Hickey also was in the workshop on Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock for its 1st season with the same staff. In the picture above, she is shown putting Big Bird in perfect condition on set, though I personally think she should have a solo image of herself. She should be very lucky to have such an important job on Sesame Street since joining in 1999. I hope Michelle will continue being on Sesame Street for the near future since she's done so well on the show itself and its spin-off series over the years. And maybe Hickey will be a role model for newer designers joining the show since they would need someone to coach them into building puppets. You never know whether that will happen to someone like her, or not. She'll keep making everybody proud with her wrangling. Michelle Hickey, I should say you're doing a wonderful job on Sesame Street and other projects. Keep on wrangling and performing puppets and you'll always be remembered by your friends. Until then, hope for the best so that people will look up to you as a master. Excellent wrangling Michelle. A job well done Hickey!


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