David Showler
David Showler is an English puppeteer who worked on a few productions featuring the Muppets as well as on Labyrinth as one of the Goblin puppeteers. He was one of the many additional Muppet performers for The Tale of the Bunny Picnic, The Muppet Christmas Carol, and Muppet Treasure Island, although he was uncredited for the latter. Despite all of that info, David hardly has any puppeteering roles outside of the Muppets, well not yet anyway. The only known non-Henson project Showler did was the Frank Oz film Little Shop of Horrors as one of the many puppeteers for Audrey II. At least he has a picture of himself as seen above, it also shows him with one of the Goblins. Other puppeteers he got to work with during his time with the Muppets include Ron Mueck, Kay Bradshaw, Judy Preece, and Ian Thom, just to name a few. Nobody else knows this, but David Showler also puppeteered on Wizadora and Julie and the Cadillacs, according to IMDb, but then again, those shows could also list him in the credits. Perhaps sometime in the future, he'll be interviewed on a podcast or something where he'll talk about his career and what other shows he puppeteered on. At least he got to work under the directions of both Frank Oz and Jim Henson during his career. David should be proud to have met such legends whenever they were filming a production in the UK like all the ones mentioned. Showler even got to perform alongside the music star David Bowie when he did Labyrinth, along with all the other puppeteers for that film. There's just no telling what this puppeteer will do next, if he still works that is. Nobody really knows what ever happened to him after the 1990s, but I'm sure he's still performing to this day. David Showler, you were wonderful on all of those UK Muppet and Henson productions. Keep on working, if you still are, so that you'll stay connected with your fellow co-workers. Whenever you run into someone from your past, it brings back such fond memories. Excellent puppetry career David. You've got charms Showler!
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