Paul Jomain

Paul Jomain is a British puppet builder, painter, and puppeteer who built puppets on Mopatop's Shop (initially props and costumes), The Hoobs, and Bambaloo. He also served as an additional UK Muppet performer for Muppets Most Wanted with Rob Tygner, Colin Purves, and Nick Kellington, just to name a few. In the Creature Shop, Paul was the fabricator/on-set supervisor for Marvin the Paranoid Android in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Outside of Henson work, Jomain built puppets for numerous projects such as Bunnytown, Avenue Q (UK Tour), Five Minutes More, and Mr. Men and Little Miss UK Tour. He is also an expert painter and his paintings can be found on his website with information and references to television shows and how they are made. Paul Jomain is probably one of those many people to both puppeteer and paint, others include Nina Keogh, Kelly Wallwork, Ric Heitzman, and Wayne White, and who knows probably others. He has also built set models for various stage shows put together by Cameron Mackintosh (including Les Misérables and Oliver!). There just doesn't seem to be anything he can't do. The paintings he does and the mini puppets he makes end up getting put on sale for people to use and to look at, but they're not for children to use. Paul is kind of like Steve Axtell, for they both make puppets and then sell them for people to use. Jomain could use his talents to make his own store and put his works of art up on the shelves to encourage people to buy them. You never know when someone would want a painting like one of his. Let's hope Muppet performers will see his art and maybe ask him to assist them again. Paul Jomain, you're a wonderful puppet builder and an expert at painting. I hope you'll keep working with paint until the day you die. Maybe someday, you'll assist the Muppets on a future project. Until then, never stop until you're ready Paul. You've got this Jomain!


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