Gene Barretta

Gene Barretta is a designer, author, puppeteer, illustrator, and brother of Bill Barretta and is known for his countless works with the Muppets, Sesame Street, and Henson Company. Under the frame, he did a couple of background Muppets on Muppet Treasure Island (but was uncredited) and also did Louie's right hand in an appearance on Fox & Friends according to in an episode of The Barretta Brothers. On Sesame Street, Gene wrote, scored, voiced, and animated five short films that premiered in the 28th and 29th seasons. As for the Henson Company, Barretta served as the character designer for two Henson Alternative projects. But apart from that, he is probably best known for being an author and illustrator for several picture books, with his clients including The Jim Henson Company and Between the Lions, as well as others. One particular book called The Bat Can Bat has featured numerous caricatures of Muppet and Henson pros both alive and dead. Gene Barretta has also had a good relationship with his brother Bill, in fact they both host the podcast The Barretta Brothers from 2020-2022. Bill even named several characters after his own brother as an inside joke. It appears that there is something rare for both brothers, they are famous in their own way and also work together on occasion. Gene must be proud to be an author and illustrator for many books, even getting him honors/awards for making them. Barretta is also another person to puppeteer with a member of the family, others include Phoebe Rudman and Jack Vogel. I wonder if his brother inspired him to work on all of those productions and books over the years. If so, then he should be proud to have an incredible brother like Bill. Gene Barretta, you are so talented when working on television and books. You're the most magnificent author and illustrator ever to work with Sesame Street, Muppets, and The Jim Henson Company. Keep on making books and you will always be equally as wonderful as your brother is. Splendid writing Gene. You rock Barretta!


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