Carole D'Agostino

Carole D'Agostino is a puppeteer and puppet designer/builder who has worked with Puppet Heap and The Jim Henson Company to create sets, props, and puppets. She worked with Sesame Street on the 44th and 45th seasons and also did The Muppets (2011) and Muppets Most Wanted. Carole has done numerous projects outside of Sesame Street and Muppets whether it's making puppets or performing them. D'Agostino puppeteered on SeeMore's Playhouse, two commercials, Escape Plan 2: Hades, and way more unknown ones. As a designer/builder, she made puppets on The Upside Down Show, Crank Yankers, Greg the Bunny, and several theater shows within Broadway, Off Broadway, and Walt Disney World like Avenue Q or ImaginOcean. Some other puppeteers she worked with included Eric Wright, Lindsey Briggs, David Stephens, and Mark Gale, just to name a few. Carole D'Agostino even got to be a puppeteer in the "Radioactive" music video by Imagine Dragons with Michael Schupbach. It's a real shame she never puppeteered with the Muppets or Sesame Street during her time in both workshops in those years. She seems to be a real genius when it comes to building puppets, marionettes, props, sets, and costumes within any puppet workshop. The Muppet performers should feel lucky to have worked with a master builder during her time building their characters. I only hope Carole will have her chance to perform with the Muppets or on Sesame Street in the near future since she can puppeteer too. Maybe D'Agostino will run into one of her friends from one of the puppet workshops and ask if she can get in touch with Sesame Street. By doing that, she might have her chance of becoming a Muppet Performer like some of her co-performers in the past. Carole D'Agostino, you are so wonderful when it comes to making puppets for television, theater, and even web series. I hope you'll keep working until you decide to retire, which I doubt will happen for a while. And maybe someday, go back to Sesame Street and ask if you can try doing puppetry. Until then, keep on building puppets Carole. You got this D'Agostino!


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