Todd Coyle

Todd Coyle is a puppeteer and costumer who hasn't worked with neither the Muppets nor Sesame Street but has worked with the performers on outside shows. He's known for performing the puppet character Smedley on David D TV in the 1990s. Todd has also puppeteered on a couple shows such as Allegra's Window, The Book of Pooh, and Videogame Theater (also as a puppet builder). Coyle got to work with numerous performers for the former two such as Heather Asch, Tim Lagasse, and Eric Engelhardt. Now he runs his own company called Todd's Costumes which makes several costumes and props from films like Star Wars and Indiana Jones. It's incredible how he is able to make the costumes look just like the ones seen on-screen. I believe that Todd Coyle should work at Puppet Heap or the NY Creature Shop since he's good at making costumes, maybe puppets too if he learns. I'll bet he's still working with his company today, you never know where you'll find a movie costume made by him. He is sort of similar to Steve Axtell; he makes something from video or film and sells them at his company (and makes them all expensive too). Who knows, maybe Todd will give puppetry another chance someday, when he isn't busy that is. I sure hope Coyle will maybe get together with a few Muppet performers one of these days and tell them all about his costume company. Maybe he'll even make a sale of his costumes with either the Muppets or the Creature Shop. They have had some experiences with film costumes. Todd Coyle, you're a talented costume creator and not so bad at doing puppetry. I hope you'll puppeteer again soon because there could be another series involving puppets that could use your help. Until then, remember the tremendous times you had on David D TV and other shows. Well done Todd. Peace out Coyle!


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