Erdinc Dogan

Erdinc Dogan is a Turkish puppeteer and actor who performed on the Turkish co-production of Sesame Street, Susam Sokağı as Kirpik. It's a shame that show only lasted for three years, from 1989-1991 to be precise as many international co-productions of Sesame Street lasted longer. Erdinc went on to produce his own puppet segments for TRT and hosted the Turkish version of a game show entitled Supermarket Sweep. Dogan only worked with two other Turkish puppeteers, Hakan Odabsi and Ozgen Eldek. He has also acted on stage, mostly performing with the Ankara State Theater. Currently he appears as himself on both social media and his own YouTube channel (I think). Erdinc Dogan would have been great if he guest starred on other European co-productions of Sesame Street such as Sesamstrasse or Sesamstraat, that way he would meet more puppeteers. There should have been a different Turkish co-production of Sesame Street after Susam Sokağı and that would've kept him going as a puppeteer. But instead no such Turkish co-production of Sesame Street was ever made. I just hope Erdinc is still doing puppetry today since the Muppet Wiki hasn't given his page enough info about his personal life. As long as Dogan still has what it takes to puppeteer, there should be another Turkish puppet production for him. It might not happen just yet, but soon that day will come for him. Erdinc Dogan, despite Susam Sokağı only lasting for 3 years, you've still done a great job performing the grouch Kirpik. As long as you keep performing on both screen and stage, you should be good enough to be well known for something. Just remember that there's always a chance for you to perform in something new. Peace Erdinc. You're cool Dogan!


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