Ian Thom

Ian Thom is a British puppeteer and clown who has worked in several Henson and Muppet projects. He started in the Creature Shop film Labyrinth, where he assisted Karen Prell and Ron Mueck on one of the 5 Fierys. Ian has also worked on The Tale of the Bunny Picnic, The Muppets Christmas Carol, and Muppet Treasure Island all as an additional puppeteer. Thom should have asked if he could perform a character while working with the Muppets. His outside puppetry work includes Little Shop of Horrors and on Spitting Image, both performing the characters to someone else's voice. I've read that other than puppetry, he is a professional clown. I also read that Ian Thom acted as a clown at the Punch and Judy Festival in Covent Garden. It appears he is yet another Muppet puppeteer to also be a clown, like Fred Garbo, Star Townshend, Genevieve Flati, and Sue Morrison. I wonder if he was a clown before he was a puppeteer or is it the other way around. Ian should get together with the Muppets again soon, in fact he should have assisted them in Muppets Most Wanted and their live performance at the O2. Thom was probably busy with other projects so he wasn't available to assist them. I'm sure that he'll be able to be in a Muppet project again someday. There is always a chance for someone to puppeteer. Ian Thom, you are both a great puppeteer and a pro at being a clown. Though I wish you would show the world other times in which you were a clown. Keep on puppeteering and clowning around Ian, and you'll become much like the people who've worked with the Muppets or Henson Company. Stick to being you Thom!


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