Abby Hadfield

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Abby Hadfield is a stage actress and puppeteer who was one of the three women that auditioned to be a part of The Muppet Show. Unlike Richenda Carey (the woman who preceded her), Abby performed the characters in some of her segments while Richenda only voiced her character. She did about four Muppets for an episode of The Muppet Show, including Zelda Rose. She was another puppeteer who only performed with the Muppets only once. What's different between Hadfield and all the other one-time female puppeteers, is that she performed more than one character for a single episode. She lost the audition to Louise Gold who came after her, but I guess she didn't mind about losing the audition for somebody else. Before she auditioned for The Muppet Show, Abby Hadfield was an opera singer from 1963 to 1971 with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. I never knew there was a puppeteer who also sings in many different operas. Some of the operas she performed in includes Edith, The Pirates of Penzance, Patience, and The Gondoliers. Why doesn't Abby puppeteer in any of the operas she has worked on? She seemed to be familiar with the works of two songwriting men, Gilbert and Sullivan like the other Muppet performers are familiar with works of other people. Her last known appearance was in a 2000 tribute video. I wish she would meet up with the Muppets again, because there is such a thing as a reunion and the puppeteers who perform the Muppets should see each other again, and I mean almost all of them. Abby Hadfield, you are a talented opera singer and did a great job at being a puppeteer back in 1977, the year of the 2nd Season of The Muppet Show. Please think about visiting the Muppets again and show them what a star you've been. Keep on being musical and swell Abby!


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