Rick Lyon

Rick Lyon is a puppeteer and a puppet creator who has performed on Sesame Street from Seasons 20-33 and has performed on many Henson Company projects from 1987-2002. He did many characters during his time on Sesame Street and was also one of the CG puppeteers for Elmo's World. As for the Muppets, Rick performed on the Muppet Meeting Films, The Jim Henson Hour, and The Muppets at Walt Disney World, to name a few. Lyon also did Bear in the Big Blue House and two Creature Shop films (including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II). Outside of Sesame Street and the Muppets, he has been a more major puppeteer with his own set of characters. It all came from his time with Henson & got inspired to branch out more. Rick Lyon puppeteered on shows like Crank Yankers, The Book of Pooh, Between the Lions, and Binyah Binyah, to name a few. Perhaps his most famous project was performing on Broadway show, Avenue Q, as various characters and puppet designer/builder. Lyon's Puppets is the name of his company and he made several puppets for many productions like The Jewish Heritage Video series (which he also performed). Other puppeteers Rick performed with include Bruce Edward Hall, Jennifer Barnhart, Michael Schupbach, Lara MacLean, and more. Lyon is still working with his company today on many projects and he has been interviewed in several podcasts. Avenue Q is perhaps his best known project in his life, he probably based it off of Sesame Street. Let's just hope that he still remembers Sesame Street today. Rick Lyon, you did great on Sesame Street, the Muppets, and all those other outside productions, most notably Avenue Q. Keep up the great work with your company and always remember being a Muppet performer. You never know when you'll run into an old friend again. You're puppetry skills are really tantalizing Rick. Your puppet company really rocks Lyon!


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