Sharon Johnson

Sharon Johnson is a puppeteer and writer is best known for creating and performing her own series of puppet shows known as Grace & Grins. For her shows, she uses bunraku (or table-top) style puppets while dressing in all black. Prior to her shows, Sharon began puppeteering in the mid 90s with a group called Kids on the Block-Rochester before writing and performing original shows since. Even though Johnson hardly did any Sesame Street or Henson Company projects, she met one Muppet performer in her career. That puppeteer was Grant Baciocco who interviewed her on his podcast Under the Puppet recently where they discussed her career in puppetry. But it's a shame she never performed with other Muppet performers in her life. With Grace & Grins, Sharon Johnson performed various original shows for many organizations and even hosted puppet-making workshops, according to her website. Some of the puppet shows she did include Kind Heart, All Together Now, A Jungle Journey, and more, all which used bunraku/table-top puppets. I personally think she would been great for TV shows that used table-top puppets like The Book of Pooh, It's a Big Big World, or Wilbur. But I guess Sharon was interested in doing more original puppet shows rather than ones already developed for television. I wonder if the Kids on the Block show Johnson did was a television show or a theatre show. Whatever kind of show it was, it really helped her win over people's hearts with Grace & Grins. Hopefully in the future, she'll get to meet another Muppet performer. Sharon Johnson, you touched children's hearts with Grace & Grins, and you should be proud to have been interviewed for that. Keep on doing original puppet shows since it's your best, well only, accomplishment made. Never forget that podcast interview you did because it could be your rise to stardom. Keep putting smiles on faces Sharon. "Grin" and bear it Johnson!


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