Hideki Tanaka

Hideki Tanaka is a Japanese puppeteer and voice actor who worked on the Japanese co-production of Sesame Street, performing the role of Mojabo. Other puppeteers he worked with on that show include Kaori Takeda, Rena Mizushiro, Satoshi Tsuruoka, and Kenta Matsumoto. Other projects Hideki worked on involving puppetry is currently unknown as most of resume has been removed or something. Apart from puppetry, Tanaka had minor roles on anime series and also dubs American projects such as Star Trek, Desperate Housewives, and Shrek the Third, as well as Japanese McDonalds ads. He also acted on-screen in two productions known as Ramen Daisuki Koizumi San and Pachinko, though he received a bigger role for the former. It's a shame that his other puppetry projects are unknown to the world, at least until someone archives his resume in the future. Hideki Tanaka still did a fantastic job performing Mojabo on an international co-production of Sesame Street, you don't see a lot of TV puppets in Japan I don't think. It's too bad that show only went from 2004-2007 because anime is apparently much more popular in Japan since there's millions of it. But hopefully he will influence other Japanese puppeteers to perform on television someday, there's bunraku puppetry in Japanese theatre. Hideki should consider getting more major roles in anime since almost all of his projects involved him doing minor roles for one episode each series. Tanaka is still considered great because he may not have done anything major in voice acting but he did get a major character when puppeteering. Nobody seems to know what he's planning to do next, but whatever it is, hopefully he'll get a more major role. At least he's working his way up step by step, even if it is long. Hideki Tanaka, you've done wonderful on the Japanese version of Sesame Street as Mojabo. You are also terrific when it comes to voice acting, though you should have an updated website so people in Japan will know about you. Keep on voice acting and think about some other productions you can puppeteer on, if you still do. I bow to you Hideki. Remain busy Tanaka!


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