Jim Parker

Jim Parker is a Canadian singer, songwriter, producer, and puppeteer who is best known for doing many forms of entertainment since 1976. His most notable (and only) project featuring puppetry was on Mr. Dressup as the character Alex who replaced Judith Lawrence. Jim's website states that he also played both Casey and Finnegan for a stage show version of the show in 1983 with Ernie Coombs. Parker got to work with other puppeteers on the TV series such as Nina Keogh, Bob Dermer, Karen Valleau, Jani Lauzon, and Ruth Danziger. Despite not doing a single Muppet or Henson project, most of the people he worked with have done those types of projects. Apart from puppetry, he mostly writers and performs songs all across Canada making albums such as Around the World and From Away. Jim Parker would have done more with Ernie Coombs if the latter hasn't died so suddenly in 2001 which cost some plans for more of his tours. Over the years he alternated in performing solo and in bands like The Genuines, it lasted from 2002 to 2009 when the band broke up. I personally think he should have done Sesame Park when he had the chance since it's a Canadian co-production of Sesame Street and it features several of the people he worked with on Mr. Dressup. Jim was probably more interested in the songwriting area than the puppetry area after the series ended and the death of Coombs. It must have been very upsetting for Parker when he lost his very close friend in 2001. At least he's still keeping himself busy with his songs, recordings, and albums such as Fearless and What Kind of World. Let's hope he'll continue to do his singer-songwriter career for the near future. Jim Parker, you've done so well on Mr. Dressup for a long time, series or stage shows. You're also an amazing performer when it comes to the musical genre of entertainment. Keep on writing and performing songs and always remember how much fun you had with Ernie Coombs over the years till his death. Spectacular songs Jim. You're a music star Parker!


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