Virginia Goodfellow

Virginia Goodfellow is an Australian puppeteer who only did one Creature Shop project, Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars. She's another puppeteer to have hardly any personal information. Virginia has also done one outside project, The Upside Down Show, where she performed with Mat McCoy, Emma de Vries, and Alice Osborne. Goodfellow should have had more information about herself, then Muppet Wiki would make a page for her and people would know what else she's done. There are several other puppeteers like her that don't have info about themselves. Puppeteers such as Brian Knatchbull, Lynn Hippen, Denise Cheshire, and others don't have a lot of info either. Virginia Goodfellow still performed with many puppeteers across Australia during her performance with Farscape. The Henson Company should do more projects in that continent in the future, so she could become a Muppet performer herself by then. She could have done Bambaloo or Play Along With Ollie, but she was probably too busy with her own projects (whatever they were). Virginia should also have a self picture because I'm not so sure the picture above is the one that I'm talking about. Goodfellow is still known for working on Farscape and The Upside Down Show by the world, at least for now. Someday more information about her will be on the Muppet Wiki and then people will know more about this puppeteer. We just have to keep our hopes up and that it will happen. Virginia Goodfellow, you are yet another mysterious puppeteer and will probably still be until someone interviews you for your work. Until then, keep doing whatever it is you're doing now and you'll be recognized. Such fine puppetry Virginia. Be splendid Goodfellow!


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