Tom Fisher

Tom Fisher is a puppeteer and suit performer who mainly did the latter on a number of Creature Shop projects over the years. His most notable work was on Dinosaurs where he did several Unisaurs (the Needlenose type) and occasionally filled in as Earl Sinclair's body. Tom has also done Jack Frost, The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, The Country Bears, and more. Fisher has worked alongside other suit performers such as Michelan Sisti, Leif Tilden, and Tony Sabin Prince; as well as puppeteers like Bruce Lanoil and Allan Trautman. His non-Creature Shop credits include Monkey Bone, Theodore Rex, and Phantoms, appears that his outside work is smaller than his Creature Shop work. I wonder if he's ever tired out from wearing hot, smelly costumes a lot and if he ever has difficulty moving around. I should guess that Tom Fisher does because it's always hot wearing a full-bodied suit and difficult to see with an animatronic head over you. Still, he did wonderful on Dinosaurs and those other Creature Shop stuff, he probably also did puppetry while on Dinosaurs. Who knows what he's doing right now? Let's hope Tom is doing okay and is resting up for his next project on whatever is coming up. Maybe Fisher will work on another Creature Shop project again, you never know when a Henson regular might be needed. As long as he remains busy, he'll be fit as a fiddle and ready for action. Tom Fisher, you've done well with the Creature Shop, especially on Dinosaurs. Come out of hiding someday and get back into the swing of things of filming. It's not something you have to do, it's more of something you should do. You never know when you might be needed again in the Creature Shop Tom. Just keep your hopes up Fisher!


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