Kiran Shah

Kiran Shah is a Kenyan actor, suit performer, and stunt man who performed as a suit performer within several Muppet/Creature Shop projects. He has served as the stunt double for Miss Piggy in The Great Muppet Caper, doing her in scenes that require her to be in action. Kiran has also worked on The Dark Crystal, doing certain stunt scenes for Jen and The Chamberlain. Shah seems to mostly do doubles for characters performed by Jim Henson and Frank Oz. However, in the Hallmark TV version of Alice in Wonderland by the Creature Shop, he was the sole body performer for The White Rabbit, his only time doing so. Outside of the Muppets/Creature Shop, he did several films involving fantasies. Kiran Shah did several Star Wars films, Raiders of The Lost Ark, and he had the prominent role of Grinarrbik in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. He's even worked as a stand in for most of the Hobbits in The Lord of the Rings film series. Appears he has done more film work than TV work since his television credits are limited. I've read that Kiran is also a producer and director, though those credits have mainly been in shorts and spoofs (parodies of the films he did). I believe Shah is still doing stunts in films today; his latest one being The Turning. At least he worked with other people his size such as Warwick Davis, Mike Edmonds, Sadie Corre, and Katie Purvis. Maybe he'll meet up with some Muppet performers again someday. Kiran Shah, you're wonderful at stunts and pretty impressive when it comes to acting. Keep performing stunts in future films and before you know it, you'll go down in history as one the best stunt doubles in the UK. Splendid job Kiran. You should be so proud Shah!


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