Karime Vakilzadeh

Karime Vakilzadeh is a German puppeteer and actress who performed on the German co-production of Sesame Street, Sesamstrasse throughout the 1980s. She assisted Marita Stolze as the right hand of Tiffy from 1989-1993. I wonder if Karime performed her own characters on Sesamstrasse as well. Vakilzadeh worked alongside other performers during that time such as Wilhelm Helmrich, Benita Steinmann, and Klaus Esch, to name a few. Outside of Sesamstrasse, she performed Leonie Lowenherz (a character that was on the show originated by Andrea Bongers) on her own 1991 spin-off; but it wasn't Sesamstrasse related. She also was a regular performer on Hallo Spencer (as Mona and Karl-Heinz), as well as other series though currently unknown right now. Karime Vakilzadeh has also acted on-camera which can be seen in episodes of Tatort and Grossstadtrevier; one episode each. Does she ever keep in touch with her fellow performers such as Joachim Hall? If she does, then it shows that she still remembers performing on Sesamstrasse in the early days. I only wish Karime would reveal what she's been doing after 2007 in her free time. And also Vakilzadeh should reveal what other projects she puppeteered in. Then people will know how busy she can be when she's performing with puppets. And who knows, maybe she'll get interviewed soon. Karime Vakilzadeh, despite being an assistant on Sesamstrasse, you still did a great job working on the series throughout the 1980s. It is a shame that there's not a lot of info about you on the Muppet Wiki, unlike other websites containing you. Just keep on performing on German television and you'll be recognized for what you do. It's never too late for you Karime. Peace Vakilzadeh!


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