Charlotte Duberry

Charlotte Duberry | The Dark Crystal Wiki | Fandom

Charlotte Duberry is a British puppeteer who served as an additional puppeteer in The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. I don't know a lot about her, and I'm pretty sure nobody else does either. Charlotte might be another puppeteer who doesn't have any information about herself. Good thing she's not the only one who has no personal info. David Maida also doesn't have a lot of info about himself. Duberry should work on a lot more works by the Henson Company, that way she'll have more experience and information. I think Charlotte has her own Vimeo channel and has made many untitled videos, but I'm not sure. I believe she should come out of her comfort zone and do puppeteer interviews or television appearances so the world and myself could get to know her more. Maybe when this pandemic ends, she'll do more projects by either the Creature Shop or the Henson Company with other performers. If Duberry has created her own channel for Vimeo, then she should confirm herself that those videos are by her. I'm glad that Charlotte has performed alongside some of the greatest puppeteers like Warrick Brownlow-Pike, Louise Gold, and Helena Smee. It would make sense if their was an answer on how she was brought up to perform with the main puppeteers for The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. And it would be greater if she continues to puppeteer for either Creature Shop or Henson Company so she can get a chance to perform more characters. Charlotte Duberry, I'd wish there was more information about you so you can be remembered as a puppeteer for many years. You have got to show the world that you're a puppeteer and do many projects. That day may not come anytime soon, but it will when the time is right. Continue to work on television or web and you'll get it Charlotte!


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