Marilyn Sokol

Marilyn Sokol is an Emmy and Obie award-winning actress and voice actress who voiced a number of Muppet characters, most notably Alice Otter in Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas. Her first work with Jim Henson was in The Great Santa Claus Switch, where she actually puppeteered characters. Marilyn didn't puppeteer in later productions because she was bad at puppeteering. Other than Emmet Otter, the voice of Sokol can be heard on Sesame Street as various Anything Muppets and could also be featured in albums, cartoon, and film inserts. Also on Sesame Street, she appeared on-camera in 1982, where she guest starred as Aunt Mae at Camp Echo Rock for five episodes. She should've been lucky to have co-workers such as Jane Henson or Frank Oz to puppeteer her characters to her voice. Marilyn Sokol has appeared as an on-screen actress for numerous TV shows, commercials, films, and plays throughout the years. Some of her television credits include Law & Order, Van Dyke and Company, The Tonight Show, Between the Lions, and more. As for film work, she acted on Can't Stop the Music, Man on the Moon, The Producers, and Crocodile Dundee II, to name a few. Marilyn appears to be one of those women to have a huge acting resume for she has acted in front of audiences in many different ways. Sokol is still acting today as seen in a recent film called Another Year Later. As for her Sesame Street work, she was last heard on a 2007 insert voicing an opera-singing bar of soap. It is no wonder she is both an Emmy and Obie award-winning actress, for she has done almost every form of entertainment there is and the world has been impressed by her. Marilyn Sokol, you did great voicing for Emmet Otter and Sesame Street as well as acting on all of those other projects. I understand why you weren't good at puppetry in The Great Santa Claus Switch. At least you tried puppetry and that's all that matters. Until you act for your next film or show, keep up the wonderful work Marilyn. You're an acting queen Sokol!


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