Cheryl Bartholow

Cheryl Bartholow is a puppeteer and puppet designer who served as an additional Muppet performer on The Muppets Take Manhattan. That was the only Muppet project she ever did. In 1974, Cheryl founded the Pangolin Puppet Theater where she did puppet shows in the Twin Cities between the late 1970s and early 1980s. Bartholow also set up an early puppetry newsletter called The Puppet Post, unfortunately it lasted for only two issues. It's a shame because a newsletter with puppetry could be interesting. Later in the years, she went to work as a designer for Poko Puppets (alongside Sal Denaro). Cheryl Bartholow also worked with Sesame Street's own Richard Termine who was one of the photographers within Poko Puppets. The company did several television shows, films, and symphonies over the years such as Peter and the Wolf, Welcome to Work, Carnival, and more. She must have felt excited to be one of those rare puppeteers to ever work for symphonies. I wonder if Cheryl still remembers working with the Muppets on that one feature film because working with the Muppets should always be treasured. Nobody really knows what Bartholow is doing currently (at least not to my knowledge). She's either still working with Poko Puppets or she moved on to do other projects. Either way, she's still a great puppeteer and puppet designer throughout the 1970s and 1980s. Cheryl Bartholow, despite only doing one Muppet film, you were excellent with the Pangolin Puppet Theater and at Poko Puppets. I hope you're still alive and well because you've still got talents. Maybe someday, you'll get interviewed on a podcast or something and then everybody will know if you've done other Muppet projects but weren't credited. You never know if or when it will happen Cheryl. Until then, always treasure your puppet memories Bartholow!


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