Sarah Sarang Oh

Sarah Sarang Oh is a puppeteer and stand-up comic who started working with the Henson Company on Splash and Bubbles, assisted on Earth to Ned, and performed with Puppet Up. She started assisting the Muppets in 2021 with Muppets Haunted Mansion and later in The Muppets Mayhem. Sarah also served as one of the puppeteers for Christmas Caroling Coach. Oh has done a few projects outside of Muppets such as Toy Geeks: Behind the Counter, Crank Yankers, and The Barbarian and the Troll. She even did a Henson Company music video entitled Coldplay: Biutyful as a background puppeteer with Jordan Brownlee, Catrina Quintanilla, and Jack Venturo. She seems to have done an equal amount of projects with both the Muppets and the Henson Company all at separate times. Sarah Sarang Oh also performed with Nicolette Santino, Alex Villa, Brandon Smith, and others. She must have been pretty excited to assist the main Muppet performers on those three projects, one of them with their voice dubs. Let's just hope she'll work with them again in future productions like maybe when they're live. I wonder what shows Sarah did as a stand-up comic since she can be hilarious with Puppet Up. Oh should maybe consider going to some comedy clubs or even collaborate with famous comedians across California or even the world. Until then, she should keep working with the Muppets and the Henson Company on projects for the future. You never know when she'll be needed to assist them again. Sarah Sarang Oh, you're great inside and outside the Muppets and Henson Company. Keep on puppeteering and you'll become a Muppet performer yourself soon. From a sarcastic owl to a bunch of fish, you've known how to give your own personalities. Well done Sarah. You really put the humor in puppets Oh!


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