Rob Tygner

Rob Tygner is a British puppeteer who worked in numerous Creature Shop and Muppet productions for over twenty years. For the Muppets, he puppeteered two ghosts for The Muppets Christmas Carol and assisted them in Muppet Treasure Island and Muppets Most Wanted. Rob's work in the Creature Shop includes The Storyteller, Labyrinth, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (just to name a few). He has even worked on a Sesame Street project in 2003. He served as a digital puppeteer and animation director for Sesame Street's 4-D Movie Magic, his only time on Sesame Street. Tygner began doing animation and digital puppeteering back in the late nineties. Rob was working heavily in the Creature Shop for where it all happened. Outside of the Creature Shop and Muppets, his only known puppetry work can be seen on Spitting Image and Little Shop of Horrors (as principal puppeteer). How come Rob never performed a lot of puppetry beyond his work in the Creature Shop? He must be more into the Creature Shop more than anyone else. Why doesn't Rob Tygner ever show off his animation skills when assisting the Muppets? The Muppet performers probably find it easier to use more Muppets and less animation, because the way they do animation is very complicated. I wonder if he has difficulty operating an animatronic head. Because the head has a lot of facial mechanisms. Whether he's using animation or puppets, he still holds a record for over twenty years in the Creature Shop. I hope Rob keeps that record going until the day he retires. Rob Tygner, not only have you been a longtime man in the Creature Shop, but you've also been a director of their animation. Good for you Mr. Tygner!


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