Beccy Henderson

Beccy Henderson is a Northern Irish puppeteer and actress who puppeteers Deet, Naia, and a couple others on The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. She's also voiced Bobb'N and one of the Maudra's instead of being their puppeteer. Why doesn't Beccy voice the characters she puppeteers? Henderson seems to have an incredible voice when it comes to performing. Plus, it's very rare that the Creature Shop has creatures voiced by their puppeteer. She has also been an assistant puppeteer on two Henson Company series, Pajanimals and That Puppet Game Show. Outside of Henson, Beccy Henderson only puppeteered on two projects, Wildwoods and Solo: A Star Wars Story. Everything else she's done was mostly on-screen acting such as recurring appearances on the sitcoms Derry Girls and Secret Life of Boys, to name a couple. I wonder why she never performs the Muppets nor on The Furchester Hotel when she had the chance to do so. Beccy is shown to be great on shows for kids and adults, so that is should make her an official performer of the Muppets. Other puppeteers Henderson worked with have included Neil Sterenberg, Warrick Brownlow-Pike, Olly Taylor, and Helena Smee, to name a few. If the Muppets ever perform in Northern Ireland, she should ask if she could assist them for the project that they're working on. I read she's also a member of a dark electro-pop band called Vokxen, it's something very rare for a puppeteer to do. Beccy Henderson, I hope you keep puppeteering and acting for TV and film. The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance is probably your best known project since you've done many characters, assisted on creatures, and voiced minor characters. I also hope that you'll be able to operate a puppet again since Deet was really heavy. Always have hope Beccy. You'll be fine Henderson!


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