Lindsey Briggs

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Lindsey "Z" Briggs is a puppeteer and puppet builder who has served as Foundation Manager for the Jim Henson Foundation. She did get a chance to perform on Sesame Street in some videos dealing with foster care as a monster foster mother named Dalia. Lindsey also performs Foley in The Sesame Street Podcast with Foley & Friends. Briggs needs to have more experience with Sesame Street, the Muppets, and other shows by the Henson Company. After all, she manages the foundation so she should have a chance to work with Henson Company and Sesame Street more. Outside of Sesame Street and the Jim Henson Foundation, she does have a more major role in life as one of the people who works with the WonderSpark Puppets company. Lindsey Briggs built and performed puppets for various kid shows produced by that company such as SeeMore's Playhouse. Her puppetry was also seen on shows such as Monica's Mixing Bowl, Sheira and Loli's Dittydoodle Works, and Helpsters, to name a few. Some other puppeteers she worked with include Andy Hayward, Paul McGinnis, Haley Jenkins, Sarah Frechette, and more. I still think that Lindsey should consider working more with Sesame Street and the Muppets on other projects. I also want to know what the Z stands for in Briggs' name, then again numerous other puppeteers have a middle letter. I've also read that she has even produced and directed a documentary about puppets back in 2008. There's a lot she can do but there's more Sesame for her. Lindsey Briggs, keep on working at the Jim Henson Foundation and at WonderSpark Puppets. You've done well as Dalia for those Sesame Street videos about foster care. I'll bet children who are under foster care will see you as a role model since you've appeared on the show proper. Excellent job Lindsey. Be proud Briggs!


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