
Showing posts from September, 2018

Introduction to my Muppet Blog

Introduction to my Muppet Blog Welcome to my blog, All About  Muppets . For those interested in theater, arts, puppetry, animation, or creativity, this blog will give behind the scenes info on how Muppets are created, operated, and who performs them. This blog will also show some puppeteers that should work in Muppet, Sesame Street or Henson productions. Muppets are claimed to be a combination of the word puppet and marionette. But to be honest nobody knows what Muppets actually are other than just being puppets with cool nicknames. Over a hundred puppeteers have performed in several Muppet productions. All of which have been created by just one man, known as Jim Henson. The man who brought the Muppets into our world.